MoTeC i2 Pro codes and licenses
MoTeC's i2 Pro Data Analysis software includes new feature licenses that can be purchased to activate a specific feature on a physical computer for a specific period of time. The first features to be released include licenses to analyze non-i2 Pro log files with i2 Pro and a license to edit log files via an application programming interface (API).
License to open MoTeC standard log files
- Allows individual PCs to open any MoTeC log file in i2 Pro
- Log files can be parsed with any of the i2 Pro features, but are saved in their original format
- Especially useful for users using the i2 Pro software on a computer to analyze Standard and / or Pro log files from many MoTeC logging devices
License to import a Pi-ASCII data set
- Allows individual PCs to convert exported Pi ASCII files to i2 Pro files using the i2 Pro File Conversion Assistant
- Ideal for MoTeC users who previously had a Pi logging system and would like to analyze this data in i2 Pro together with their current data, or for existing Pi users to use the extensive analysis functions of i2 Pro
i2 API license
- Allows access to and editing of MoTeC log files with tools such as MS Excel, MATLAB, Visual Basic and Visual C ++ for user-defined processing or external analysis of data generated in i2 Pro
- Enables the i2 application programming interface, which can be used in any language that supports COM technology
The functionality of the i2 API software object includes:
- Load any MoTeC log file (.ld file)
- Read MoTeC log file data including channels, ranges, laps, beacons and details
- Create new i2 Pro log files and channels from code