Maptec Leistungsprüfstand | Maptec Dyno-Celleine perfekte Umgebung zur Entwicklung und Messung von Sport- und Rennfahrzeugen | 4WD Allrad Leistungsprüfstandbis 1500PS+ mit Allrad | DatenaufzeichnungMessung von Ladedruck, Gemischwerte, Umweltbedingungen und Vielem mehr. |
individuelle Lambda-Messungzur Abstimmung von highend Rennmotoren | modernste Fahrzeuge Wilkommen!Maptec ist bestens für modernste Fahrzeuge ausgerüstet. | Abstimmung von RennfahrzeugenSimulation von Rennstreckenbedingungen auf unserem Dynapack. | Maptec highend PrüfstandDynapack für 2WD und 4WD Fahrzeuge. exakte, sicherere und zuverlässige Ergebnisse sind garantiert! |
Maptec dynamometer
We have a high-end test bench, which enables us to develop performance engine calibrations at the highest level.
The centerpiece is a 4WD chassis dynamometer . The basic design of the common roller dynamometers has been completely changed. The vehicle is now coupled directly to the dynamometer via the wheel hubs. This enables us to drive continuously under load , race track simulations and active braking of up to 1200 hp.
For meaningful performance measurements and to work out precise calibrations, a constant vehicle and room temperature is essential. We have developed our own ventilation and exhaust extraction system, which simulates driving at 160km / h.
We have an exorbitant airstream fan, which can circulate up to 74,000 cubic meters of air per hour, and an exhaust extraction system which extracts 6500 cubic meters of exhaust gases per hour via one of the strongest ventilation systems in Europe.
The measurement technology, which is always kept up to date, makes it possible to record all the parameters necessary to optimize efficiency, responsiveness, driving dynamics and, last but not least, performance. The perfect environment for developments at the highest level.